Germany Flags of WW2 ( National Socialists)
German Third Reich flags from World War 2
Shopify has stopped our sales of German Party Flags! email us for orders of 3x5 cotton or 100D nylon flags or banners [email protected]
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Found in the Sound of Music and the Man in the High Castle, these are the flags in use by Adolph Hitler's National Socialist German Workers Party AKA Nazi and associated Nazi armed forces in World War II. Sold for historical and theatrical purposes only.
A swaztika is often featured on the flags and banners.
We have many more flags not on the site please contact us for more details at 800-454-6998
In German the first with in National Socialist German Workers Party, Nazional is pronounced Naz-E-oh-nal shortened to Nazi, so when you see socialist think Nazional Socialist.
- Featured in TV Show The Man in the High Castle,
- Plays and Broadway: The sound of Music
- Songs: Tomorrow belongs to Me
- Movied: The Dirty Dozen, Schindlers List, and others