Van Dorn Flag | 4th Missouri 15th Arkansas Infa...
The Van Dorn battle flag 1862 is a historical Confederate flag with a red field depicting a white crescent moon in the canton and thirteen white stars; and trimmed with gold cord. In February, 1862, Confederate general Earl Van Dorn ordered that all units under his command use this flag as their regimental colors.[1] The 4th Missouri Infantry Regiment and 15th Arkansas Infantry Regiments carried this flag into battle, as well as some of Van Dorn's old units in the Army of Mississippi and East Louisiana.
Fringes and Sleeves can be added to any flag.
Van Dorn Flag Made in USA
The thirteen stars in the Van Dorn battle flag reflect the thirteen states admitted to the Confederacy, including Kentucky and Missouri.
Story of the Van Dorn Flag
In January of 1862, Major-General Earl Van Dorn was detached from the Confederate Army of the Potomac and given command of the Confederate Trans-Mississippi District - the "Army of the West. Van Dorn had a distinctive battle flag made, consisting of a red field with a yellow crescent in the upper corner, and a distribution of thirteen stars. His original flag was edged with a yellow fringe, so many of the subsequent ones were bordered in yellow. The crescent was a symbol of Missouri, found on their state seal (representing the state at the time of it creation, with small population and little wealth, both of which would grow like a crescent moon). The first issues were made by the ladies of Guntown for the Missouri Brigade.